With a degree in Creative Technologies and a minor in Creative Writing, the objective focus of my studies drives me to work toward being a middle man between visual arts and messaging/storytelling. Because of my having a foot in two worlds, I will be an asset to any particular project, team, or organization.
I've been in the art world as long as I can remember, designing characters for over a decade and worlds to accompany them. I started in studio with graphite and inking but chose to focus on electric rather than acoustic. Digitally, I have been working with 2D illustrations in Procreate and Adobe while 3D modeling in Maya for 5 years. While the digital arts are my focus, studio will always have an influence on my work and hold on my heart.
I've been working with narratives for 5 years, from playwriting and short stories to storyboarding and animation, from logos and marketing to worlds that I hope one day will become novels and film.
My goal is to find work in something that highlights individuality, and that could mean everything from logos to concept artistry. I want to find my home on a team that wants the best for everyone.